Thursday, August 26, 2010


It's been a long time I'm not update my blog...ya I'm busy with my hectic..n also busy with my pregnancies..not really in a good mood..maybe because I'm still alahan with certain food..make me I'm 26 weeks of my far ok except my weight not gain for this month..think I already ate a lot..ok..the special of 20 august bcoz is my anniversary and my little princess birthday..its been 4 years I already married to my true man..many things n down but here we still together again..year by years..we try to be mature in any decision..try build our own family...n I'm so lucky bcoz with still together..and I always pray that we will be together till the end of my true man..even sometimes I never showed u my love..maybe I'm not the typical women that always show their caring..but I showed it in my way..I care about u..every're my half..n deeply in my heart always be one can replace it..forever and I'm so lucky because I married you..I love u..and also to my dear princess..happy birthday're 3 years already..I love u so life is full of love with you..I'm hope u will be a really good kid to u always.. Ok we celebrated the event at tgi fridays..and more focusing at aina's the pic..

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Friday, June 4, 2010


I can't remember the exact day I took aina to sogo..aina always said want to go to kl..naik bas la..keretapila..which is kalo bas confirmla I don't I just took her to kl by lrt excited si kenit..yerla kata first time..we just go to sogo..saje senang coz lrt terus situ..tapi as usual mestila beli2 skit2..but cannot tahan aina balikla..she so excited and always said aina nak gi kl lagi naik lrt..we ate at restaurant thai same level with the sogo's foodcourt..
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Famous thai

This at famous thai masalam..the food there really awesome..
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Tony roma's

Can't remember when I ate at tony..I want to try steak at there since one of my friends said the steak was delicious..but for me just nice..but I love sauce at
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Birthday treat..

Last tuesday was my hubby bezday..happy birthday dear..semoga panjang umur n murah u I treat him at fridays...

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Tuesday, May 4, 2010

I need energy..

Lately I really2 felt tired..tired of everything..I don't know how to do to make all body is not really can take more work..pressure etc..aina got fever again fews day ago..before this she already got fever around 2 weeks really tired take care of her..even she active but I'm still worried since she have history been at hospital I really worried when she only got fever..but can you tell me no mothers don't worry about her child right..since she sick I lost my appetite which is really make me weak since I I can't ate rice which make me always energy..I have many things to handle at my work place..I need energy but I just can' I just ate bread and I always hungry..I know I have to be strong and I really tried it harder..I just want aina to get well..and alhamdulillah she already get well. I love her and when she sick I can't think anything except her..that's why I lost my appetite..I try eat for my baby..and try do work even sometimes can't look at my notebook..sometimes felt wanna work at home but when I work at home lagila lupe makan buat least kat office have dilla to remind me to eat..tapi nak bawak keter pun malas..dahla aina makin manja n layan jer even kadang2 xsaba je..nipun baru pas mengamuk xtentu pasal si aina ni..penat kot minum susu and watch her movie..I always pray I can have more energy to do all the things like before..ameen..kayla nak peluk aina supaya die tido..daaa
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Friday, April 23, 2010


Today I went to mcd just to bring aina play the playground parent in laws go to kl and think they will go quite a long I think cannot bring aina since she is so umpanla pegi mcd so that she don't want follow mcd first aina so excited to play it but when come kids that she think bigger than her so she already don't want to play..always said mama nak makan dulula..I said its ok just play with them..then when they gone aina play again..and said mama amik gambar aina..

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Baskin n burger king..

Today I really want to eat burger king..actually think last today I ate burger king with dilla..after that dilla want to eat we ate icecream also..sgt kenyang kay..and hujung2 bulanla nak ngidam..xpe2 makan selagi bole..heheheheeh

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Monday, April 19, 2010

aina skrg n dulu....

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Friday, March 12, 2010

lots of things happen..

Its been a long time I not updated my blog..I want to especially want to blog about the delicious food that I ate..coz I like to taste new food..many places wanna to show but sorry really bz also still bz..after had 3 days training I have to finish my task that already assigned to me..almost 2 weeks I slept at 3 or 4 am..what can I do..all is about my website..but for pain no gain..even sometimes I felt like really tired and stressful but all I done make me really satisfied even right now I have something to do to improve my skill in programming..I will try it like my boss sais start it with positive me...yeah I have to think guys...wait for me to update blog about my vacation and also all the delicious food...hope everything will be done on time...amin...

Thursday, February 11, 2010

humpty dumpty

Aina always ask me 'mama mana cd telur aina?'She means cd humpty dumpty and since its looked like egg so she just said 'telur'...I already search everywhere her cd but can't found it...I don't know where she put exactly...last night I already found it...she put it into wii player...omg...she already know how to put into wii my hubby sorry if ur wii stuck with aina cd...hehehehe

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

tired and work from home

Last night I can't slept well coz aina got high fever...even she already drink her medicine but her body temperature still high...I sponge her body to reduce the hot temperature but still high.we decided took her to clinic at 1am but can't find any 24hours clinic...all closed already...luckily her body temperature reduce a little bit so just monitor her and will bring her to clinic at I took her to clinic and don't send her to babysitter.want to monitor her for a day. So I just do work from home since she not really kaco me...I can't take leave coz have many task to really tired coz I multiple task for being a mom and employee..alhamdulillah tuhan kasi kekuatan buat done my job and take care of aina...tonight want to continue my task coz I want to finish it before now rileks jap..pas aina tido will do my job and can monitor aina also..

Saturday, February 6, 2010

feeling ok than yesterday...

Last night I feeling really not well..felt like I will got fever coz already cough and flu...I slept early yesterday...thaught wanna do some layout but seriously I can't do it...and dunno whether my boss angry with me or not...sorry really feeling little bit better...woke up little bit late and do some breakfast...I cooked fried mee and dilla n her husband ate here..jek n acoi wanna go to lowyat...acoi wanna buy left dilla with me...first planning wanna ate mee celup but my mum wanna came to my house and she said wanna ate my chicken rice coz its delicious...that's why she said...hehehehe so I cooked chicken rice shop...after that go eat mee celup coz dilla wanna try it...but she not really like of course my favourite bihun or meggi celup...taste so good...after ate there my family already here...sama masuk rumah...huhuhu...then they lepak here coz after margrib wanna go to shah alam...and last minute decided to go to my mum house...esok balik rumah...luckily my mum helped me clean the now already done and just waited for margrib prayer then go back to cheras..still have flu...sgt2 xlarat nak ngadap komputer...nak buat keje mmg xlarat...

Thursday, February 4, 2010

really tiréd...

I have a bad migraine this morning..really2 tired..last night aina got fever...before that aina don't want drink her medicine..really tired to persuade her to drink it..only one medicine success..around 3am aina body really hot and know she got I force her drink her medicine..she cried a lot and finally don't want to sleep..she cried and want go outside to watch anime movie..spaghetti meatball..she watch over and over again until morning..and I couldn't slept coz watch around 8am I sent her to babysitter..coz with kak rehan she will drink her medicine easily..then back to my house..sleep a little bit coz really have migraine..then wake up and cook meal for aina..I still monitor her coz afraid she got high fever...alhamdulillah her fever reduce already..but I have really bad migraine...makan pun xlalu...till now I not eat anything...hopefully tomorrow will be actually want to work from home but I can't do anything coz really have bad migraine so decided took leave..really hope tomorrow will be a good day...

Saturday, January 30, 2010

Q thai steamboat

Tonight we ate at Q thai steamboat that located at bandar tun hussien sis n I treat my family at there coz I got my bonus...sorry no picture been taken since everyone hungry and I saw nobody took picture there..agak seganla coz that place so big and have crowd of people just ate and my opinion the price is reasonable n have a lots of seafood...the tom yam soup also delicious...think better than johhny except johhny tomyam is better...hehehehe...I ate a lots and hahaha forget my diet really2 sleepy but have to watch doraemon with aina...she wanna watch it...tidola cepat mama ngantukla...happy today coz my website its up n running...thank god coz finished configure the server and so on..thanks to technical person from ipserverone that guide me a lots...but little sad coz gaji xdapat lagi huhuhu

Friday, January 29, 2010

i'm sad...

Sometimes I felt lost in my way..tried to do harder and give it all but I dunno why now feel that is not being myself...many pressure lately..can our life be like fairytĂ¡le story that always have happy ending..too depress and I need something that can refresh myself...I felt energy at all...always people believe I can do all the thing...always think that I'm superwoman but sometimes tired of everything...I hope tomorrow will be a new beginning in my life...

hate this day...

So tension today...


not settle yet about server..sometimes really tired to handle it coz have to follow up with people that done it..i need it to be settle coz need to use it...but sometimes it will slow my task coz have to have 24 hours bla bla bla..but not only their mistake coz just bought the server..then want all be done with only fews day...cant do like that coz setup new one and transfer from old server to new server is definitely takes really2 dunno how to do just wait and keep wait until it live...and definitely have to do extra work during weekend since have finish it before monday...and i also cant take leave coz have to up everything....tension..huhuhu

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

bz day

Bz day……

From now on will start bz like hell…..all I have to do fast and I cant imagine if I sick or anything… need to care about my health and also have to rebuilt myself to do extra work…I’m not workaholic but the job need me to be more work hard than work smart..sometimes i really tension coz now i'm involve with server setup and networking that is not really my spec...coz i more to today many task to settle it down....confuse what to start first and seem all have to be done before monday...and sorry dear ana..have to postponed our meeting since my boss change the schedule to have meeting at morning...but promise u will take half day and hang out with you to buy the present and if have enough time we will watch movie together...hate to change the day but dear sorry coz really2 have to cancel last minute......tired coz last few week many thing have to be done..i know that being a programmer is not easy but maybe its a good start for my website to be that i built it myself and i love it very guys..pray for my success....make it happen...huhuhu...

papa john again...

last week i treat my sis and bro in laws at papa john coz i got bonus...we ate at sunway pyramid...papa john still the best pizza for me...enjoys the food..

then after that bought shoe for aina and me..same mother like daughter..huhuhu

bigfood restaurant

last week we ate at bigfood restaurant...the store location at TTDI jaya shah alam and it was a western restaurant...the food is ok and average but i think the pizza is delicious..enjoys...

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

pak long kopitiam

today we ate lunch at pak long kopitiam....semua cam kebulur coz xbreakfast enjoy da food.....

Sunday, January 17, 2010

pizza san francisco...

yesterday, i went out to mines with my mum, my hubby and also my sweet actually my mum and i want to macy at minlon..coz have sale there but not relaly we went to mines after that coz my hubby already just window shopping coz no money yet..hahahhha..then we ate at pizza san francisco coz i never tried it the mushroom soup really delicious....with garlic bread..the spaghetti also..the pizza also different from others pizza that i already for me the food there really delicious....