Friday, April 23, 2010


Today I went to mcd just to bring aina play the playground parent in laws go to kl and think they will go quite a long I think cannot bring aina since she is so umpanla pegi mcd so that she don't want follow mcd first aina so excited to play it but when come kids that she think bigger than her so she already don't want to play..always said mama nak makan dulula..I said its ok just play with them..then when they gone aina play again..and said mama amik gambar aina..

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Baskin n burger king..

Today I really want to eat burger king..actually think last today I ate burger king with dilla..after that dilla want to eat we ate icecream also..sgt kenyang kay..and hujung2 bulanla nak ngidam..xpe2 makan selagi bole..heheheheeh

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Monday, April 19, 2010

aina skrg n dulu....

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